Mediumship: An All-Day Workshop in a Large Venue
Saturday, 11/11/17, 9a-6p, at the Holiday Inn Downtown, 172 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301
Mediumship – Explore and Unfold Your Mediumship in an All-day Workshop With Sheila Clark, Anita Racicot McMillen, and Elizabeth Robidoux
A personal invitation to join in our Special Event – All are welcome!
Price: $111.00 /per person *See Several Affordable Payment Options Available
Affordable Payment Options: *See Bookings/Registration Section Below*
*Please go to the following link to register and pay in whole or to choose several affordable installments:
http:// luminescenceacosmicjourney. com/events/ mediumship-explore-unfold- your-mediumship-in-an-all- day-workshop-large-venue-1 11117/
*Please Note: You Must Enter All of Your Recurring Payments Manually
“HAVE FAITH When you step outside your comfort zone for your higher purpose, the Universe supports you in every way” ~ By Will Starborn
Is a full day of motivating mediumship development in a comfortable and inspirational training environment, a mediumship workshop for you to consider, engage, and experience? Wherever you happen to be in your mediumship unfoldment, there is room for you, as we will be embracing all levels of experience. Experience motivating development in a trusted environment , as you build and unfold your mediumship. We are dedicated to helping you to develop your radiant Spiritual gift(s) as a Medium, based on the concept of Evidential/Mental Mediumship.
In our large-group setting you will experience enlightening meditation. You will also learn to sit in the power, a useful regular practice for developing mediums, as you access the power within that is essential for Spirit Communication by honoring the Spirit and blending the energy of you, the Medium with Spirit. By learning to sit in the power, you will more readily raise your vibration as you work to open your link to the Spirit World.
This practice will also enhance awareness to your own abilities, in an encouraging setting where you will be supported and assisted in your mediumship journey. You will learn to trust and expand your rapport with those in Spirit, by linking and bringing through evidence of their survival on Earth ~ beyond physical death ~ validating your Loved One in Spirit, connecting with and communing the comforting message, and proving the continuity of the soul, beyond physical death, to grow and strengthen connection with the Spirit World.
Your experience will include lots of interactive, motivational exercise(s) that will help you to learn to trust the presence and clarity of Spirit through your own psychic senses, your mental mediumship, and learn to trust that clarity to bring through evidence of a DLO’s survival on Earth.
An enlightening developmental introduction to the beautiful graces of Spirit message presentation, in several protocols, is also on the agenda for this enlightening, fun-filled day to help you to develop and trust communication with the language of Spirit by consistently reaching outside the limits of your comfort zone with clear evidence and comforting messages proving the continuity of the soul’s survival, which will be our focus for the day.
This day of mediumship development is designed for everyone who chooses to explore and experience mental mediumship, by learning to trust your own innate abilities, and how to trust that clarity to bring through evidence of a DLO’s survival on Earth, beyond physical death, as well as actively practicing and participating in the varied styles of Spirit message presentation.
Accommodations options will be made available, at an additional cost, at a discounted rate under the name “Luminescence Workshop” at the Holiday Inn, Concord, NH 03301 603-224-9534 should you desire accommodations for this all-day workshop. The hours for our workshop will be 9a-5p. We are limited to number attending so please be certain to register and establish payment as soon as possible.
I have made every effort to make this workshop affordable to everyone and in doing so, established a method by which you can pay in total, or in installments until total is paid in full. For additional Balance Due Options please contact me for a special invoice. *Total due must be paid prior to the workshop.
Contact Sheila Clark, Anita McMillen, or Elizabeth Robidoux or call 603-315-9478 for information
About Your Tutelage Team:
About Elizabeth Robidoux: An evidential psychic medium and Reiki Master, offering heart centered connections to deceased loved ones, infusing humor and kindness into her readings. She continues to train with national and international mediums to refine and grow her gifts. Like Anita, mediumship is also her passion.
About Anita McMillen: An Intuitive Healer, Psychic Medium and Spiritual Consultant. She has fined turned a God given talent, and trained with national and internal mediums. This is Anita’s passion as well as her purpose.
About Sheila Clark: My spiritual, mediumship and psychic concentrations are numerous, diverse, and include considerable and significant areas of study. However, not only limited to my concentrated focus of Mental/Evidential Mediumship, other concentrations include many facets of enlightenment , as wells as healing modalities Usui/Tibetan Reiki(RMT) and Multi-Dimensional Shamballa.
In addition to my extensive foundational studies, which include study under multiple respected and knowledgeable international mediums, I have participated in abundant short-duration mediumship development workshops that have also cultivated my mediumship knowledge-base of references.Additionally, I have been blessed by multiple opportunities to experience advanced continuation of my enlightening development, by joining more than several advanced/progressive mediumship workshops at the esteemed Arthur Findlay College, in Stansted, United Kingdom, The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, and at The Journey Within in Pompton Lakes, NJ. *Complete Biography at
Payment Options:
Affordable Payment Options Available: *See Bookings/Registration Section Below*
*Please go to the following link to register and pay in whole or to choose several affordable installments:
http:// luminescenceacosmicjourney. com/events/ mediumship-explore-unfold- your-mediumship-in-an-all- day-workshop-large-venue-1 11117/
*Please note: Appropriate PayPal processing fees are included in your payment
“Dedicated to helping you to develop your radiant Spiritual gift(s) as a Medium, and always based on the concept of Evidential/Mental Mediumship”
Bookings are closed for this event.