Exploring & Utilizing Remote Viewing in Your Awareness, 101 ~ Leominster, MA

Exploring & Utilizing Remote Viewing in Your Awareness, 101 ~ Leominster, MA


12:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Bookings closed


Messages From Heaven" Healing and Learning Center
272 Central Street, Leominster , Massachusetts, 01453

Event Type

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“Exploring & Utilizing Remote Viewing in Your Awareness 101 with Sheila Clark and Paul Anzalone” Hosted by Bonnie Page

When: Saturday, November 4, 2017  12:30 pm EDT – 4:30 pm EDT
Where: Graciously Hosted by Bonnie Page at the “Messages From Heaven” Healing and Learning Center, 272 Central Street, Leominster, Massachusetts 01453, (978) 297-9790
Description: “Exploring & Utilizing Remote Viewing in Your Awareness 101 with Sheila Clark and Paul Anzalone” in Leominister, Massachusetts
$50.00 per person
*Please contact our Hostess Bonnie Page for registration and payment at: (978) 297-9790 – *Follow this link and scroll to “Exploring & Utilizing Remote Viewing in Your Awareness 101 with Sheila Clark and Paul Anzalone” for pre-payment:  http://www.bonniepagemedium.com/classes.html
I am honored and delighted to partner with Paul Anzalone, to bring to you, a premier foundational afternoon of exploration in Remote Viewing.
Remote Viewing is a form of clairvoyance and of psychic ability. It  gives you the ability to view with your ‘mind’s eye’ something that is not physically in front of you, in space or time. It’s utilization will allow you to use Remote Viewing in your psychic senses  and mediumship to  reach beyond the level of your five physical senses to deliberately try to “see” and obtain impressions from something we cannot physically “see” at a distance or that which is hidden from our physical view.
Paul will guide you through the foundation of the Remote Viewing process and help you to integrate the psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance and telepathy. This will allow you, “the “viewer”, to describe or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding” through Seeing, Sensing, Feeling,  Smelling, and Tasting, as we work through the target descriptor areas of Textures, Colors, Smells, Tastes, Temperatures, Sounds, Motion/Dimensions, and Feelings.
In the second half of this workshop, Sheila will employ the principles of the Remote Viewing sensory process and invite you to integrate and utilize what you have learned during the Remote Viewing process with your Mental/Evidential mediumship. Through interactive exercise and visualization, the Remote Viewing process will help to create a sense of additional depth and strength to your to your mediumship evidence and an added level of comfort to your messages.
This workshop will also include numerous interactive exercises to help you to forge and apply your learning experience.
Introducing Paul Anzalone! Paul has been studying the many facets of Spiritualism since 1997. Intrigued by the concept of Remote Viewing, he obtained his training from Major Ed Dames (RET) who took Remote Viewing out of Top Secret operations and now shares his knowledge around the country. Paul is very proficient and skilled in the presentation and protocol as he journeys with you into an amazing awareness of Remote Viewing.
“The CIA and U.S. Army developed a protocol called Remote Viewing (RV) that enables the unconscious mind’s inherent ability to obtain knowledge about any person, place, thing in the past, present or future. What separates official Remote Viewing protocols from anyone else is that virtually anyone can learn this and no previous experience or abilities are required!” Ed Dames
About Sheila – “Sheila’s  primary spiritual, mediumship and psychic concentrations are diverse, and include considerable and significant areas of study. However, not only limited to my concentrated focus of Mental/Evidential Mediumship, other concentrations include Psychic Awareness, Auras, Angels, Ascended Masters, Chakras, Meditation, Psychic/Intuitive Card Divination, Cartomancy, Crystal Energy, Pendulums, Angels, Angel Oracle Cards, Psychometry, Remote Viewing, Spirit Guides as well, as my ever-present discipline of Astrology. My healing modalities include Usui/Tibetan Reiki(RMT) and Multi-Dimensional Shamballa. Even though I have participated in numerous focus classes and workshops, I like to think of my spiritual development and training as my  journey of perpetual enlightenment, in which I pursue my spiritual path and training as continuing and ongoing.”
*See my full biography athttps://luminescenceacosmicjourney.com/biography/
Paul and I look forward to sharing the interesting technique and process of Remote Viewing with you!


Bookings are closed for this event.

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