Ribbons Rising: Renaissance of Reading Ribbons Workshop
Sunday, 11/6/22 11a-2:00p EST
I am so excited to revisit the age-old art of working with the phenomenon of interpreting ribbons
- Interested in learning to read ribbons? Yes, ribbons! Learning this time-honored skill was a result of one of my many visits to the U.K. many years ago, and as a result, I still enjoy using them to this day, and very excited to teach this workshop on this time-honored tradition.
•A time-honored, age-old art, Ribbon Reading is a time-honored psychic skill thought to have originated within the Celtic community, as well as an integral part of the Romany Gypsy community as a way of connecting with people as they traveled from place to place.
•Each ribbon is free flowing, and allows your intuition to release thoughts & images coming into your mind as inner knowing, inspirations, or memories connecting us to our soul self. ,
•The ribbon’s vibration, after energized, held within the vibration, the ribbon will divulge lots of information,
inspiring the conscious mind with inspiration and energy of spirit. - Workshop will include discussion and interactive exercise
•Workshop is via Zoom, on 11/6/22, 11:00a – 2:00p - Zoom link sent upon receipt of paid registration
- Paid Event $45.00 per person
- Maximum 6 participants
- RSVP’s Close on 11/4/22, 8a EST
- Important – You will need a collection of ribbon strips, varied in color choice, and cut into working lengths. You could start with a varied number of ribbon colors of your choice. and either knot them to bind them together, or attach them to a ribbon hoop to facilitate an easy way of working with them.
Bookings are closed for this event.