I am honored and delighted to partner with Anita Racicot-McMillen, to bring forth, a premier day of fun and foundation spent in exploring & learning the respected and history-laden Tarot. We will endeavor to bring a new-found awareness to this historical and respected divination by encouraging a comfortable foundation to utilize in your psychic reading awareness.
In this fun, all-day workshop, we will overview the Major and Minor Arcana. We will also explore the pictorial symbolic imagery of the Tarot, seasonal association, numerological relationship, interpretation, become familiar with several Tarot spreads, learn how to clear your own deck, and overview the ethical principles of interpreting the Tarot.
We will use the Rider-Waite Tarot deck , originally published in 1910, and heralded as one of the top ten Tarot decks of all time. It is still one of the most popular basic tarot decks in use today. While the images are simple, the details and backgrounds feature an abundance of symbolism.[1] “A unique feature of the Rider-Waite deck, and one of the principal reasons for its enduring popularity, is that all of the cards, including the Minor Arcana, depict full scenes with figures and symbols. Prior to the Rider-Waite Tarot, the cards of almost all tarot decks were marked only with the arrangement of the suit signs — swords, wands, cups, and coins, or pentacles. The pictorial images on all the cards allow interpretations without the need to repeatedly consult explanatory text.[2]
One of my first divination “loves” . . . . my heart-fond relationship with the Tarot began many years ago. My own background with interpreting the Tarot is extensive and has expanded many years of Tarot divination, ever-growing and ever-expanding each time my very worn deck is taken from its velvet bag, to explore the possibilities of a client’s potential path.
And . . . . introducing Anita Racicot-Mcmillen! Anita has been reading tarot since she was a teenager, receiving her first deck as a Christmas gift from her parents many years ago. She expresses her use of Tarot as “using the language if the soul, thereby unlocking the subconscious mind , and giving us guidance , and the choice of answers to use along our path”.
I am very pleased that Anita Racicot-McMillen will be partnering with me to teach this fun and invigorating workshop.
This workshop will also include interactive exercises to help you to forge and utilize your learning experience.
$67.25 per person, All Day Workshop 10:00a – 4:30p
*Please note: A PP processing fee of $2.25 is included in your PayPal purchase.
RSVP’s will end Saturday, 10/14/17 at 3:00p
Bookings are closed for this event.